volunteer with the Lso!
Whether you're looking to volunteer for school, an organization, or to give back to the community, the La Crosse Symphony has a number of opportunities available year-round!
Click the boxes below to view our current volunteer opportunities!
1. Greeter
- TIME: Arrive at 6:30 pm
- Greet from 6:40 pm – 7:15 pm
- Sign up for 1 of the 3 entrances to the Viterbo Fine Arts Center
- Meet Cassie Davis, Office Administrator, at the Viterbo Box office at 6:30 pm. You will be given your complimentary tickets at this point.
- You will be given any up-to-date information that patrons may need when they arrive (location of the box office, where the bathroom is, which door to go to for their seats)
- 6:40 to 7:15 you will stand at the entrance and greet the patrons, helping people with the door if they need it and offer any information they ask for at that time.
2. Coffee and Cookies Handout
- TIME: Arrive by 8:30 pm
- You are able to pick up your free ticket to the performance at Will Call, please attend!
- Meet at the Viterbo lobby and Cassie Davis, the LSO Administrator, will introduce you to the Moka representative and will show you what you need to do.
- You will be pouring coffee with the assistance of the Moka representative, directing patrons to their coffee choice and telling them what the treats from Meringue bakery are that night.
For more information
Contact the LSO office at (608) 783-2121