Concert Internship
The intern will receive the opportunity to dive head first into a local non-profit, learning the ins-and-outs of what happens behind the scenes to put on multiple performances throughout a year. Putting on multiple hats, the intern will go through multiple stages, shadowing a multitude of people, and at the end try their hand at being an executive director at a concert. Day-to-day tasks resemble responding to emails regarding concert information, preparing items to take to the concert venue, curating social media posts about the events, attending a production meeting for each concert, and preparing for the concert day-of. This experience allows them to try each niche of a concert night and find what their passionate about and what they are confident about. They will work directly with the office administrator for tasks and goal setting.

Boys and Girls Club Violin Program Internship
Intern will assist in the students practicing. They will go through the material that their teachers taught them earlier, or will go over with them later, in the week to offer extra assistance in furthering their music education. Intern will collaborate with the BGC to support the students in this capacity, offering another friendly face to guide them through their lessons and someone that they can rely on. In this setting, the intern can work with the students in either a group or one-on-one pace depending on the skill level of each student. The intern will also be working with both BGC teachers and partnering with them to prepare the students for their lessons that day. The students are most familiar with Essential Elements and Violin Land by Shirley Givens, these texts are already in the BGC. Students are on average in the 3rd-5th grade.